Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Java Java Java

The name "Java" is everywhere.... everyone knows it.. the layman thinks of it as a strange name of a coffee bean which means something big in computing. We programmers, designers, developers, testers and everyone else know it as the most ubiquitous language today, probably used in your next door coffee shop billing application, as well as in NASA's Rover project to Mars.

This is not a book that will drill you down into the basics and then try to teach you each part of the language in a systematic fashion. I have been into Java for about nine years now and I have never, ever finished reading a book on Java -start to end. This is going to be a journey for the pragmatic java programmer, who looks to java for solving anything, and everything. We look at java's powerful libraries and see how they can be used to solve our modern-day problems. and along the way, we learn the language as well. So, this book is meant to be read when you are ready aside your computer and not by the bedside where you use this to ease yourself into sleep (as I used to do).

Let us get going then. Like every other book on any other computer language does, this one is also going to provide you with a "hello world" program (i know you will start complaining "what's so different about this one now" ) , but in the process, we will look at a lot of stuff you will rpobably never know even if you are an experienced Java programmer.

Do you know how to install Java? You need to get what is called as the JDK. At the time of writing, TBC

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